We love when

students visit us!

On these tours we focus on creating lifetime experiences for young people. Our objective is help them to discover a new part of the world, and a different perspective to life.

We combine a wide range of service providers to structure a trip tailored to your needs and expectations. This goes from lodging in hotels to hostels and homestays in Mérida, all the way to immersing in a Mayan Village for a few days to learn their customs first hand.

Some of the most successful Student Group Tours we recommend are:

Service Learning Tours

The heart of these tours is the will to experience and learn about a different, ancient culture, first hand. We will take a few days from sightseeing to give back a little with effort and change someone’s reality, by working on a local community project.

Arts and Performance Tours

At Adventures Mexico we love and encourage every kind of artistic expression, and believe everyone should be able to experience it. Choirs, Orchestras, Bands and Ensembles of any kind of art are welcome! We will take care of everything, from booking the Venues and promoting the performances to providing rehearsal spaces and a fun itinerary to complement your tour.

Spanish Cultural Immersion

For this kind of tour, we focus on the learning and practice of the Spanish language as a second tongue. Creating cultural exchange experiences for the students is the main purpose of these itineraries. Dancing Lessons, Piñata Workshops, Exchange with Local Schools and Scavenger Hunts are great learning opportunities!

Performance Tour from
Mexico to Guadalajara

Experience the international venue and let your music travel with this performance tour through Mexico.

Service Learning Tour

Volunteering vacations is a great opportunity to travel with a purpose, while enjoying sharing your time with local kids or helping local institutions.

Spanish & cultural
immersion in Yucatan

Improve your language skills and learn Spanish while having a lot of fun. In this educational program, you will live in a homestay with a local family

Yucatan Performance Tour

Experiment an exciting off-campus experience performing at local and historical venues while you travel around the Southeast of Mexico.

Let us know in advance and we will make your special interest into the main feature of your experience!

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